VIPSites Media


lawful-intent legal teams needed to fight this secret war

VIPSites Media

you did this

VIPSites Media

Australia's Secret Civil War, isn't about race, religion or politics never has been.

It’s about concealing their 300 year long history of secret Freemason’s child rape, the infestation from London to Australia as prisoners and as British officials.

Australia's Labor-Liberal parliament have proved they can't be trusted to be "Honourable" when it comes to Freemason terrorists.

My only agenda, my only platform is reasonableness, the consistent and genuine application of Australian law without favoritism.

When I witnessed ritualistic rape and murder of male children during Freemason meeting circa 1967 (age 11) Australia’s population was 11 million, now in 2024 our population has almost tripled.

Millions of free immigrants didn’t come to Australia to swap one terrorist regime for another.

Freemason and government families ranted in printed press and television with their justified outrage at pedophile priests of Catholic religion for concealing child rapists in their ranks.

Yet instead of prosecuting Freemason child rapists and killers in their own ranks Freemason rapists are provided by Australia’s government officials, with the same manner of Catholics secrecy, Freemason child rapists are guaranteed police protection in our community and by Australia’s Labor-Liberal parliaments and their victims are attacked by illegal process of Australian law to silence them.

The “elements” of my solid evidence draws a solid virtual line. If you’re with me you’re strongly oppose child rape and child murder under any circumstance whatsoever.

There are no gray areas on this human rights issue about our little people far too young to have a voice of their own.

We are their voice.

What say you?